Wednesday, November 27, 2019
ENG CON Essay ENG CON Essay Eric Nguyen 11/17/2014 ENG Prof. Reed The unspoken Truth of NWO The idea and words of the New World Order has been used by numerous politicians throughout the past several decades, and is a term used to refer to a worldwide conspiracy being constructed by an extremely powerful and intelligent group of individuals at least at the highest level of power for example like superior Chairman’s of a well known company and to be a superior among people they dominated a certain region of the world which also include many of the world's wealthiest people, political leaders, and corporate elite, as well as members of the so called Black Nobility of Europe dominated by the British Crown whose goal is to create a One World which is like saying a lying Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is their number one goal for their made up agenda. The person behind the new world wants and expects their plan to succeed by having complete and total control the human being and I mean every single one of us. Even though that may sound hard to believe since there is like more than seven billion people in counting as of today. Their first order on the agenda is to reduce the population by two thirds. That’s about two billion people dying just for the greed of power, these people believe that with a one government ruling the world. Everything will be easier to manage. For example, like the stock market and oil and the basic essentials that we need on a daily basis and will be base and decided upon these so-called rulers. They want this to happen so bad that they even set up FEMA which stands for Federal Emergency Management Agency is being set up all around the world. FEMA camps is a concentration camp for the people and they being held there as prisoner when the new world order takes palace. Perhaps even that’s how they are going to control the riots and the rebellions or even executions may happen there. Furthermore there will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same code of laws which are created by the wealthy people who are behind the new world order, and is backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist and also by doing so. Their will be no war, the only war that there is going to be is the war against the rebellion the people who dares to fight and reclaim the world and the rulers and there massive army. For example, it’s the people who is behind all this is try to take us back to the medieval times where and
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Wiskey Scandal Example
Wiskey Scandal Example Wiskey Scandal – Coursework Example WHISKEY RING SCANDAL What was the Whiskey Ring Scandal? Who was involved and what were the results? Whiskey Ring Scandal was considered to be an occurrence that took place in United States of America and connected with illegal proceedings of come authoritative institutions and people. It was one of the most prominent scandals in American history of legislative violations connected with untaxed alcohol products. This scandal exposed in 1875 and was successfully organized in such territories as Chicago, New Orleans and others.1 The matter was that some influential people made a decision to â€Å"sale the untaxed whiskey and liquor†2 That was a period of Civil War, that was why people needed something to relax and forget their problems. Alcohol seemed a good decision for them. Still, taxes were completely high and propositions to buy whiskey for the lower price were tempting. High ranks who dealt with huge turnover of this trade made a lot of money. Historical evidences noticed that millions of dollars were taken into the pockets of unfair and greedy officials.3 Moreover, the sources involved the information that â€Å"the reputed head of the Whiskey Ring was John A. MacDonald†and almost all its members were Republicans.4 This people prospered with the help of dishonest and illegal business that lead them to collapse. Such affairs remained to create a national fatigue of Reconstruction and general distrust to the Republicans party. All members of that Ring were punished according to the legislative rules of United States. That also amplified to change of presidency in 1877 and policy of Compromise. Reference List:Kohn, George C. The New Encyclopedia of American Scandal. USA: Infobase Publishing, 2001.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Oedipus the King Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Oedipus the King - Essay Example A true hero is characterized by his emotional strength. Analysis of Oedipus suggests that Oedipus was a true as well as tragic hero. Human experience tells that a responsible king strives hard for the peace of the nation. In the start of the play, Oedipus takes all measures in the capacity of the King of Thebes to protect his people from the plague that has caught them. He not only provides everything that his people need, but also makes sure that they stay in good health. Therefore he sends Creon to the house of Apollo to seek the oracle’s advice. This is expected of a responsible king. Then to find Laius’s murderer, Oedipus seeks advice from the Chorus and hence approaches Teiresias for help. The fact that Oedipus consults the Chorus regarding the way he should proceed with the investigation speaks of the value he gives to his people and immense confidence that he places in them. People feel honored when they have been consulted by the ruler before he makes important decisions. Human experience tells that subordinates’ morale is vital to the success of any system, be that as small as an organizational setup or as large as a country. Oedipus cares a lot for his people, and involves them in the decision making. By doing this, he provides another proof of being a people’s property. ... He would go to any length to provide his people with a safe environment to live in. His efforts to search for the cure of plague, his involvement of the public in decision making and his dare to know the truth despite having been warned make Oedipus a hero. Oedipus has no other way but to suspect that there has been a deal between Teirasias and Creon. He fully believes that Creon is the traitor and yet he lets go of him when his wife and the Chorus plead him to be open-minded. Such generosity and forgiveness can be expected of nobody else but a hero. This potentially means that Oedipus forgives a person that insults him overtly in front of the whole public and for something, that Oedipus has not even done. Oedipus was in power. He could have got Creon as well as Teirasias killed for their act. Even a king who has actually done all the crimes Teirasias accused Oedipus of would not spare Teirasias and Creon for bringing this secret in the public eye, but Oedipus was kind enough to let go of them when he was actually innocent! Oedipus also knows what forgiving Creon means. Creon says to the Chorus, â€Å"I would have you know that this request of yours really requests my death or banishment†¦Well, let go him then – if I must die ten times for it†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Sophocles and Grene, line 669). There is little wonder he does so because heroes do that! Oedipus has sufficient evidence to believe what Teirasias said. He had killed a stranger at a place where three roads met. He could tell that Jocasta was talking about the very stranger as she mentioned some identity marks for Laius. He also knows that his ankles are pierced. All of these together with an oracle’s prediction that Oedipus would kill his own father and marry his own mother before he left his hometown
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