Thursday, August 27, 2020
Growing Old for Registered Nurse for Caring - MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Talk about theGrowing Old for Registered Nurse for Caring. Answer: Characteristics of Registered Nurse for Caring for the Elderly The enlisted medical caretakers have a urgent task to carry out in the transitional phase of a patient to a consideration office (Walsh Shutes, 2013). These people are relied upon to help the patient to adjust to the new condition proficiently. All things considered, there are sure characteristics and traits that they ought to have. These include: Sympathy: For one to be mindful and to construct a solid relationship with someone else, compassion is critical (Wiseman, 2007). It is through compassion that the attendant would have the option to recognize the earnestness of my condition and prerequisites and guarantee that they are tended to successfully. Constancy: As I develop old, there are sure exercises that I can't execute properly. As such I would require the help of the other enlisted nurture. The medical attendant ought to be somebody who is dependable and is consistently there to offer help to me (Dijkstra, 2017). He ought to have the option to decide the regions where I need help and create methods of offering support. Understanding: As I develop old, the usefulness of my body is eased back (Walsh Shutes, 2013). In this manner, I would set aside the effort to execute them. For example, the old frequently set aside the effort to fathom things said to them rapidly. I would, along these lines, require somebody who wont get irritated when I am delayed in anything. Adaptable: as of now examined, when one becomes old he/she requires support in numerous regions. Having somebody who is adaptable would guarantee that every one of my needs are tended to paying little heed to their assorted varieties (Walsh Shutes, 2013). For example, I may require him/her to assist me with practicing at once, and something else later. References Dijkstra, A. (2017). Care Dependency. InDementia in Nursing Homes(pp. 229-248). Springer International Publishing. Walsh, K., Shutes, I. (2013). Care connections, nature of care and vagrant laborers thinking about more seasoned people.Ageing and Society,33(03), 393-420. Wiseman, T. (2007). Toward a comprehensive conceptualization of compassion for nursing practice. ANS. Advances in Nursing Science, 30(3), E61E72.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Childhood Obesity And Epidemiology Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
The overview of appropriation and determiners of wellbeing related employments or occasions in a particular populace is the study of disease transmission. The use of this study is to order the wellbeing work ( Stanhope A ; Lancaster, 2008, p 220 ) . Disease transmission experts study wellbeing related occupations like infective malady, ceaseless unwellnesss, ecological issues, and distinguished risk components and intercessions. We will compose a custom article test on Youth Obesity And Epidemiology Health And Social Care Essay or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now These surveies â€Å" empower us to comprehend the relationship between larning disablements and introduction to toxic color dust, asthma exacerbation and air contamination, and GI ailment and waterborne Cryptosporidia. Ecological reconnaissance, for example, youth lead registers, gives informations which to follow and break down frequency and commonness of wellbeing results †( Stanhope A ; Lancaster, 2008, 240 ) The study of disease transmission triangle since quite a while ago run impacts of being a beefy fledgling is that there is a 70 % chance of them going overweight or husky adults and 80 % in the event that at least one parent in the spot An is plump or chunky. At the point when beefiness in youth falls over into development, it expands the risk of a general hapless wellbeing position. â€Å" In 2000, the whole expense of meatiness for children and adults in the United States was evaluated to be $ 117 billion where $ 61 billion are immediate clinical expenses. †( The World and I, 2006 ) . Youth plumpness has many discovering factors, the most remarkable variables being theA insufficiency of physical movement, undesirable taking care of, hereditary sciences and cultural elements, †financial position, race/ethnicity, media and selling, and the physical condition. ( Kumanyika, 2008 ) . When all is said in done, eating more foodsA at quick supplement eating houses than they are eating at place, guzzling increasingly sweet beverages, and noshing on progressively unfortunate supplements like french friess and french friess frequently has gotten winning among children and fledglings. This change is added to the American interest for comfort. A major for every centum of children ‘s recreation cut originates from Americans ‘ interest for watching broadcasting, using the figuring machine, and playing computer games involve, which are act uponing their physical action degrees. â€Å" It is evaluated that kids in the United States are passing 25 % of their wak ing hours watching broadcasting and measurably, kids who watch the most long stretches of broadcasting have the most noteworthy rate of meatiness. †( Department of Health and Human Services, 2010, p1 ) . This inclination is clear and a significant risk factor to kid goon beefiness in light of the fact that while the inactive action of staring at the Television and picture games ordinarily includes the making out of repasts high in fat. Alongside the dietetic modifications that influence youth plumpness, schools are other than loaning by reducing the total of free dramatization took into account kids during school. There are only a third of American basic schools, permit children to hold everyday physical guidance, and only a fifth of the straightforward schools have extracurricular actives for the children to participate in. â€Å" Daily enlistment in physical guidance classifications among secondary school understudies diminished from 42 % in 1991 to 25 % in 1995, later expanding to some degree to 28 % in 2003 †( Department of Health and Human Services, 2010, p 1 ) . Surveies have indicated that when guardians eat foods grown from the ground and they are promptly accessible the inclinations for children to wantA such a point as a pick of nibble are expanded †( Department of Health and Human Services, 2010, p1 ) . Specialists other than demonstrate that the cultural setting in which a child is acquainted with or has encounters with supplement is instrumental in deciding supplement propensities the taking care of condition that a child is associated with will discover the taking care of example the child will do in their life-time ( Birch, 2006 ) . â€Å" For some children, taking care of is a cultural occasion that much of the time times happens within the sight of guardians, different adults, more established kin and equivalents. Youngsters commonly watch the practices and propensities of others in their milieus. This turns into the capacity hypothetical records. Kids perception in undesirable eating wonts and practices has gotten an asce nt youth weight employments †( Department of Health and Human Services, 2010, p1 ) . i‚ ·A An A Constraints on parent ‘s cut conceivably add to kids ‘s weight employments, as working guardians likely depend more, as it were, than non-working guardians on readied, handled, and quick supplements, which all around have unhealthy, high fat, and low nutritionary substance. i‚ ·A An A Children left solo after school may do hapless nutritionary picks and indict in increasingly stationary exercises. i‚ ·A An A Childcare providers may non offer the same number of chances for physical action and may offer less wholesome supplement alternatives. i‚ ·A An Unsupervised children may pass an incredible exchange of clasp inside, perhaps due to wellbeing concerns, sitting in front of the Television or playing computer games rather than indicting in progressively dynamic out-of-entryway pursues. â€Å" ( Department of Health and Human Services, 2010 ) . To put it plainly, the modifications in American culture, curiously cultural and financial changes, have supported unfortunate wonts of additional ingestion. â€Å" These changes have [ affected ] the supplements accessible in the spots, the evaluation of impact guardians have when children settle on supplement decisions and has prompted increments in stationary practices among youngster. †( Department of Health and Human Services, 2010, p1 ) . At long last there has been a major contention about whether or non overexposure to supplement ad has expanded the frequency paces of youth meatiness. â€Å" Furthermore, an accumulated natural structure of research uncovers that more than 50 for every centum of broadcasting advertizements coordinated at kids advance supplements and beverages, for example, confect, accommodation supplements, chomp supplements, sugar improved beverages and improved breakfast oats that are high in Calories and fat and low in fiber and wholesome thicknes s. The insights on supplement notice to kids demonstrate that: i‚ ·A An Annual gross incomes of supplements and beverages to youthful customers surpassed $ 27 billion out of 2002. i‚ ·A An A Food and drink advertizers together spend $ 10 to $ 12 billion yearly to make children and youngster: more than $ 1 billion is spent on media publicizing to kids ( mostly on broadcasting ) ; more than $ 4.5 billion is spent on youth-focused on open dealingss ; and $ 3 billion is spent on bundling intended for kids. i‚ ·A An A Fast supplement trade foundations spend $ 3 billion in broadcasting promotions focused to kids †( Department of Health and Human Services, 2010, p1 ) . There are a figure of underlying drivers of beefiness in kids. Be that as it may, taking simply a couple of boss causes or factors is inconceivable given the present data in light of the fact that the potential impacts of beefiness have many intertwining factors. â€Å" Another examination spread stems from inadequacy of a viewpoint longitudinal study that joins dietetic and other conduct structures to advancement of meatiness. Another intricacy of current informations is that there is an interest for increasingly exact and trustworthy strides of dietetic utilization and action degrees, as single callback of occasions and diet are non the most solid beginnings for data †( Department of Health and Human Services, 2010, p1 ) . Early bar of beefiness is imperative in more is comprehended about how hereditary sciences is included. â€Å" Research is only get bringing down to elucidate how gustatory sensation propensities create, their biochemical underpinnings and how this data might be utile in controling youth weight expansion. †( Department of Health and Human Services, 2010, p 1 ) . â€Å" Primary bar is non a possibility for some children who are as of now plump. Research on fruitful mediations for kids who are plump or at danger of going rotundity is profoundly of import to chop down strongly youth plumpness in this state. †( Maternal and Child Health Library, 2008 ) . â€Å" However, the basicss are clear, to stay solid, eat a reasonable eating routine and give equivalent clasp to physical action. †( Department of Health and Human Services, 2010 ) . This will help disease transmission specialists and keep up down the expense of going sound. Step by step instructions to refer to Childhood Obesity And Epidemiology Health And Social Care Essay, Essay models
Friday, August 21, 2020
Create Twitter Mosaic Of Your Twitter Friends and Followers
Create Twitter Mosaic Of Your Twitter Friends and Followers Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Create Twitter Mosaic Of Your Twitter Friends and FollowersUpdated On 23/04/2017Author : Pradeep KumarTopic : TwitterShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogMy last post about Twitter was the Search Engine website for browsing Twitter. I was quite impressed with it. Now Im going to review about a tool in a website. This tool is exclusively for wild Twitter fans out there. Hope you are Twitter fan. If not you will become one by seeing this post :D. Twittermosaic allows us to create a cool mosaic of our Twitter friends or followers.Enter Your Twitter Username And Wait For A Moment !All you have to do is to enter your Twitter username and then it will generate the Twitter mosaic for you in the shape of rectangle or square. You can also create and get cool stuffs like Mug, T-shirt, Bag, etc using your Twitter Mosaic. I created two pages for displ aying my Twitter Friends and Followers.BTW, another good news you can show how popular you are in Twitter by this Twitter Mosaic. You can add this Twitter Mosaic in your blog. It is easy and simple. They will generate a HTML code for your Mosaic. If you have any other further doubts or questions regarding this, why dont you catch me in Twitter?This is a sample output of Twitter MosaicOther Awesome Twitter Tools You Must TryHOW TO: Send Audio Tweets To TwitterFind When Your Twitter Followers Are Active5+ Useful Websites To Create Events On TwitterCheck How Fast You Can Tweet [Twitter Tool]Top 15 Twitter Tools for Twitter FreaksREADHOW TO: Delete Your Twitter Account
Monday, May 25, 2020
Morality and Success Essay - 964 Words
Is there a contradiction between our demand that our children be honest and moral persons and our demand that they be successful? Present the argument that there is a contradiction, and see if you can answer it. Morality has taken a backseat to success. Today’s parents preach the same line of virtues to their children as did their parents and many parents before them; be honest and work hard and good things will come to you. But today’s children are pressured to obtain their success, by their parents and society, by often violating that very moral code, skirting the shores and sometimes diving into the troubled waters of unethical behavior. Historically, most ethical traditions culminate with the thought that just living is the way to†¦show more content†¦For example, the student from the video series justifies his cheating on an exam because he believed he was at a disadvantage, since he lacked the money to purchase the study guide. Even the Ivy League is not immune. In 2013 Columbia and sister school Barnard had high profile cheating incidents, and in 2012 Harvard experienced levels of cheating seven times the norm. In a survey sent to the class of 2017 freshmen bound for Harvard, in which 80 percent participated, 1 in ten admitted to cheating on tests and 42 percent cheated on homework. In our Military Academies, honor codes are drilled into the heads of every cadet, midshipman and airman. This environment encourages fierce competition to achieve success in complex situations that are designed to eliminate even the best and brightest candidates. These military institutions pride themselves on maintaining strict honor codes that have been the cornerstones of integrity throughout time. But the demand to excel becomes the very tool that encourages the do anything to achieve mentality. Repeated incidents of cheating from 1976 through 2012, at every prestigious military academy, reinforce this contradiction of morality versus success in our society. Aristotle believed that in order for children to consistently perform right actions, they must first be shown what is right and practice these actions until they are a habit. (SR pg 31) This is where society is not following through with this ideal.Show MoreRelatedHeart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad857 Words  | 3 Pagescharacteristic that most people default to in order to seek a sense of comfort. Humans try their best to be comfortable in a situation because comfort and success are believed to be proportional. Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad, could imply that being human means to display morality, flexibility towards all situations, and willingness to take risks. Morality is a rare and challenging trait for humans to posses because often alternate sources influences ones decisions. Humans often struggle with findingRead MoreBeyond Good and Evil Essay1136 Words  | 5 Pagesall. He believed that these principles caused people to form into one large herd. 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His personal morality motivated him to act justly, but does not validate his decision not to fight. Although disobedience may provide cultures opportunities to evaluate situations holistically, disobedient people often disavow their own consequences. The Bhagavad-GitaRead MoreEssay about Morality1221 Words  | 5 Pages Morality      Moral philosophy is very important to the success of an individual. But, before I tell you why moral philosophy is so important, and how it has helped me in my life, let me give you a little background knowledge. Rational knowledge has two components. These components are material and formal. Formal knowledge is not object oriented, and is based on reason. Formal knowledge is logic, or the laws of thought. Material knowledge is object oriented, and has two components. These
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Hellenism, Roman Citizenship and the Jewish Role in Apostle Pauls Background Free Essay Example, 5250 words
Tarsus was an important port about 10.2 miles up the river Cyndus from the southern coast of what is modern-day Turkey and it had a long and illustrious history, even before the time of Paul. Alexander the Great (d. 323 B. C.) had taken it over during one of his expansionist campaigns and it was granted the privileged status of a city-state in the Greek empire in 170 B. The city may well have enjoyed its connections with the Greek centres of learning and power, but it is important to remember that even in this early period the Greek domains were extremely varied in their history and worldviews. Walbank3 argues that the Hellenistic influence in the period of Alexander the Great spread very fast into Asia Minor but in some places, it had much more of an effect on the local cultures and practices than in others. There was no such thing as a heterogeneous Greek culture, and as the empire began to contract under pressure from pagan tribes and the advance of the up and coming Roman Empire , there was in many places a great deal of disappointment and disillusionment in the old Greek ways. We will write a custom essay sample on Hellenism, Roman Citizenship and the Jewish Role in Apostle Paul's Background or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page 291); mention of a prophet from Crete who insulted his own people in Titus 12 is a third classical reference, traced back to the poet Epimenides (6th century BC). Further evidence for this line of reasoning has been found in the style of writing that Paul uses, particularly in his sermons and letters. Drane detects a Stoic style of writing and some similarities in Paul s theology and Stoic philosophy. The Stoic branch of Greek philosophy was quite fatalistic.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Becoming A United States Citizen - 1075 Words
Becoming a United States citizen is such a difficult task that many immigrants are crossing the border illegally. Today, the naturalization process is a large controversial topic. To become a citizen one has to go through a series of tests including topics about US government, language, and civics. One has to be able to speak and understand English which can be extremely difficult as a second language. Because it is so difficult to becoming a citizen or let alone enter a country with certain permissions, immigrants are illegally crossing the border causing issues and tension with existing United States citizens. Becoming a United States citizen should be easier because it would decrease illegal immigration, decrease human trafficking, and†¦show more content†¦Once immigrants become citizens they ultimately benefit society for everyone by paying taxes and serving others. Making the naturalization process easier would create jobs for immigrants and help them to live legally in the US safely. Some oppose this option because they believe citizens would begin to overpopulate. Actually, the only number that would increase would be the number of United States citizens, not the number of immigrants overall. Making the citizenship process easier and simpler would accommodate the immigrants by making them eligible for jobs and legal, steady income with all the benefits of a United States citizen. Because of the inability to find legal labor as an illegal immigrant, many turn to human trafficking as an occupation. As stated by Tsin Yen Koh, a graduate student from Harvard, â€Å"Tightening immigration policies and controls increases human trafficking. It becomes more difficult for labor migrants to enter and work in the destination country legally.†(Koh). Koh is explaining in this article that if the policies on one entering the United States along with citizenship were loosened, trafficking would not be such a major issue. Similarly, Marissa Urgate wrote in her â€Å"Journal of Trauma Practice†as a result of the United States creating restrictions against illegal immigrants, they engage in labor jobs such as prostitution and trafficking (Urgate). Making it easier to become a citizen would decrease humanShow MoreRelatedBecoming A Citizen Of The United States904 Words  | 4 Pages Becoming a citizen of the United States is a very prolonged process. Not just anybody can necessarily become a US citizen, there are multiple requirements and responsibilities to becoming a citizen, no matter if it is here in the US or any other particular country such as brazil or Germany. Being a US citizen is a special privilege and those who have become fortunate enough to become a citizen in the US should feel extremely lucky and proud. Even though they do become US citizens, they necessarilyRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration1044 Words  | 5 PagesBeing a citizen of the United States is a luxury that many Americans take for granted. Many of the illegal immigrants come to America where they hope to obtain the freedom that is not given in their country. There is a serious problem with the immigration policy: it is very difficult for immigrants to become an actual U.S. citizen. If the policy were to be readjusted, and the length of time the immigrant has to liv e in the United States before they can become a citizen were to be shortened, illegalRead MoreEssay on How to Become a Citizen of the United States1096 Words  | 5 PagesHow to Become a Citizen of the United States Becoming a citizen of the United States is a very lengthy process. Not just anyone can become a citizen of the United States. 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Have we become a totalitarian state where the government does not trust their citizens and want to control them? orRead MoreEducation and the World Citizen1073 Words  | 5 PagesEducation seems to be becoming more and more of a controversial subject not only among government, but also with school boards, teachers, parents, and even the students. Some of this controversy is attributed to the normal routine things such as starting times, funding for clubs and sports, and more recently the rise of violence in the schools, as well as outcries from the church for the return of religion in the schools. However, people of todays society are even more confused by the recent additionsRead MoreImmigration to the US1148 Words  | 5 PagesThere are many Asian immigrants that come to the United States in hopes of living out their American dream of becoming United States citizens. My parents came here exactly for that same reason, so they can give my sisters and I the opportunity to live a better life. We were fortunate enough to have our relatives help us get here, making it a little less difficult for us compared to other families that took a different path to becoming citizens. However, it was not always this easy for an AsianRead MoreAbraham Lincoln Rhetorical Analysis988 Words  | 4 Pagesmaking and executing tough decisions. A principal technique used in uniting a nation such as the United States is electing respected leaders. Abraham Lincoln and George Washington are respected leaders featured in the works that described their aims to unite the nation. Abraham Lincoln illustrated how he was extremely â€Å"devoted †¦ to saving the union†and that is the dominant rationale for him becoming president for the second time (Lincoln 13). Inscribed within Lincoln’s speech was pathos, which was
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Organizational Diversity Management Programs - MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Organizational Diversity Management Programs. Answer: Introduction: Human resource management (HRM) is referred to the formal methodologies adapted in a system as devices to support the management members in an organization surrounding three prime responsibility area being employee benefits, designing jobs and staffing responsibility. The HRM plays a crucial role in managing workers and the organization culture and environment alongside the witnessed issues (Hampson, Junor Gregson, 2012). This report primarily focuses on the identification of the underlying issues in the aircraft organization management as in introduced in the provided case study. From the view of an International HRM consultant, the potential management issues regarding culture, diversity, training and development, and international performance from the employees are analyzed to provide an insight about the same (Alczar et al., 2013). Among the witnessed issues relative to variant segments, majorly one segment is chosen and an elaborated briefing is discussed in the report in relev ance to the same. The scope of the report stretches to the point of vivid description on the methodologies that should be adapted by the HRM to resolve the issues and simultaneously, ensure the maintenance of the solutions provided to avoid any similar repetitions in the organization. The report presents a planned strategy to introduce as a set of recommendations that should be followed to achieve the objectives. Following the analysis and identification of the issues, the HRM strategies are introduced and finally the implementation plan is set to utilize the set of recommendations for the elimination of the detected flaws or shortcomings practiced consistently in the organization (Harvey, Williams Probert, 2013). In regards to discussion about the aircraft organization issues, the very organization is provided an introductory name in this report that is as Streamlined-Drive (SD) Aircraft, and is continued in the discussion with the identical descriptive name as is suggested in this section of the report. As an Internal HRM consultant, investigating the case study provided relative to SD-Aircraft it is important to revise the details about the organization, which from the information would be apt to state that Adam OMeara, the CEO of the organization is critically concerned about the sustainability and the profitability of the organization. The only solution in his sight, was the maximization of the shareholders return otherwise, the sustainability is at risk. Underlying Issues in the Organizational Management: Major role human resource management is to find out the issues inside an organization due to several organizational change and employee relations. In the case of SD-AIRCRAFT, from the viewpoint of human resource manager different issues can be found out which associated cultural issues, training are and development issues, international performance management and diversity management issues (Hampson, Junor Gregson, 2012). Primarily is can be seen that a fundamental issue is the gap of communication among the employees as well as different working teams. Manufacturing of different parts are specifically delayed and the quality of different mechanical parts are significantly low due to communication and integrity gap between different working teams. The stakeholders of the company further escalate the issue as they refused to pay if the quality is not improved. Members of one team are accusing the members of other for not doing their work properly and the action of line manager in these cases is not appropriate. Performance management issues are also severe for SD-AIRCRAFT. No clear measures are present for the subsidiaries of the organization (Harvey, Williams Probert, 2013). The HR of Australian division only does international performance assessments, but for the subsidiaries in Singapore and Vietnam the number of performance reviews are almost zero. Economic factors based on the business targets and the management team of the headquarters constantly ignores industry relations. Many decisions taken by the headquarters for the subsidiaries do not match the circumstances of there and implementation of those decision affect the working condition the subsidiaries (Harvey, Williams Probert, 2013). Training and development is the core area of human resource management and numerous issues have been discovered for SD-AIRCRAFT regarding this factor. There is no platform for employee feedback. Expatriate training are not as effective as the expectation of the management. The reason behind this is company HR assumes that the requirement of each employee will be same regarding the online resources and the training of those employees have been limited to 12 hours which is not sufficient at all (Ashikali, Groeneveld, 2015). Again the employees are not getting sufficient training after moving to a subsidiary and because of that they are facing problems to adapt the new conditions and integrate themselves with the work at new place. Workforce planning are not systematic at the subsidiaries of SD-AIRCRAFT as well as the headquarters. Career development plans for the employees are not successfully implemented due to absence of proper and effective management development programs. It has b een noted that senior management has a significant fear of the promotion demands of the junior employees and as a result they do not prepare the juniors to play their roles perfectly. Focusing on diversity management, several major issues can be found here. Respect in an organization is the key feature of diversity management as the structure of an organization consists of diverse people.Therefore, workforce of the company depends on the inter-relationship between the employees at different levels. In SD-AIRCRAFT, a huge relationship dispute is present between the senior staffs and junior staffs as the senior staffs do not work well with new entrants. At the subsidiary in China, managers refuse to hire people with physical disabilities. This has showed the discriminative mentality of the managers and seriously affecting the reputation of the organization. HR department of the organization does not possess a clear set of activities that will help the employees to understand each other as well as to understand their role in the workforce of the organization. HR department does not give importance to the employee relations (Ashikali, Groeneveld, 2015). This problem is more severe at the subsidiaries than at the headquarters. Organizational discrimination is the huge problem that is developed by the lack of communication and dispute in employee relations. This internal problem is the fundamental factor for low productivity of the organization and its loss of reputation. Limitations in Diversity Management: A part of human resource management is diversity management. This management incorporates various strategies and proper activities to create a diverse workplace and maintain its sustainability. Any business is comprised of diverse factors. The workforce of an organization consists diverse employees and managers. It is fundamental to recognize and value the differences of the individuals. Diversity can be of the terms of gender, race, ethnicity, physical abilities, socioeconomic status, ideologies and other factors (Bratton Gold, 2012). A business organization always remains full of these factors. Therefore, it is necessary to manage all these factors in such a way that it helps the organization to progress, not to deteriorate. The management of the diverse factors can only be done managing the employees in the organization in a proper way. SD-AIRCRAFT is business organization affected by several problems related to diversity management. The major problem is related to respect and communication between the employees belonging to different levels of the company. Respect between the staffs working at different levels and communication maintain a stable employee relation inside the organization. Productivity of an organization depends on the stable conditions of employee relation as the whole productivity is the set of tasks achieved by different teams of employees working at different levels (Bratton Gold, 2012). Any kind of dispute among the staffs affects the co-ordination of work and the quality of the works degrades. SD-AIRCRAFT is facing serious quality issues due to this diversity dispute among their staffs and stakeholders of the organization are furious due o this. Senior staffs are too much intolerant to work with the new entrants (Bratton Gold, 2012). There ca be many issues behind this reluctance such as fear of losing position, excessive pride and issues relating diversity. Senior staffs only a little eager to work with the juniors having similarities with them. Understanding between the senior and junior staffs is the key to properly finish a task and achieve a goal. A new employee cannot be able to understand a task without proper guidance of senior and experienced employee and a senior employee cannot get a job done without the required strength of junior employee. Therefore the understanding has to be there; else, the task will remain incomplete whatsoever (Ashikali, Groeneveld, 2015). This will affect other tasks as well because SD-AIRCRAFT deals in a business where the tasks of employees are inter-related and production of the company depends on the combined work. Another important issue that has been noticed at the subsidiary in China, that the managers are reluctant to hire any deserving employee due to their disabilities. This philosophy of the managers is very unethical. Any deserving person, who can do the job perfectly using his or her full potential, should not be denied just because of his or her some other disabilities Hodge, Lieberman Murata, 2017). They should be given a proper chance to show their potential and ability to perform the task and fulfill the objectives (Gunasinghe, 2014). This mentality of the managers of SD-AIRCRAFT will easily lose the market goodwill of the organization and will boldly display the discriminative diversity management issues. Managing diverse employees of an organization is the duty of the HR department. It is necessary for the HR to give enough importance to handle the diversities present in the organization and deduce proper policies to manage them. Issues in SD-AIRCRAFT are so severe that is continuously affecting the quality of the business and worries of the stakeholders prove it (Brewster Mayrhofer, 2012). HRM Methodologies to Deal with the Issue: As discussed in the report, several management issues are discussed in details, which were underlying in the proceeding of the operations in the organization. Among the recorded issues, as is mentioned in the previous section of the report, the diversity management issues are primarily set to focus in this report (Madera, 2013). The existing issues are identified and discussed so far, this segment of the report is constructed to provide the insight on the HRM methodologies and the appropriate strategies that should be adapted to deal with detected shortcomings relative to the same. Attentive and strategic measures that should be introduced with objective of minimization of flaws are brought to notice in the following sub sections (Bernardo, 2013). As in this case, the modern trend of the organization is teamwork to sustain the growth of any organization; this subjects the organization to comprise employees of variant ethnicities, ancestry, gender, physical abilities, race, sexual orientations, education, geographical location and likewise (Quinlan, Hampson, Gregson, 2013). The theme of excellence through diversity is a prime goal, yet this term raises issues and confusions (Berman et al., 2012). The management should focus on the ways these mentioned dimensions might affect success, motivation, performances and communication in an organizational team and alongside, provide mitigations relative to the challenges and limitations for the removal of the underlying defects (Gunasinghe, 2014). Guiding Principles: To manage diversity in workplace it is important to recognize the objectives and relative importance of diversity through few principles, as is provided here (Bratton Gold, 2012). Firstly, with an accurate management dealing with diversity in organization, introduces a distinct advantage in the dynamic society wherein, flexibility and creativity are the prime factors towards success, as an organization needs to be flexible to interact with potential customers (Brewster Mayrhofer, 2012). Secondly, heterogeneity helps in the promotion of the creativity as it is recorded this provides improvised solutions and standardized level of analysis. This can be of tremendous advantage during the self-examination for an organization to discover operational techniques (Kulik, 2014). Thirdly, with an efficient management towards diversity, the organization can prove to be a public institution reflecting diversity and simultaneously, can provide an upgraded service level to the diverse customers. Apt Management Procedures: The HRM possesses a major role in the transformation of organizational culture to reflect the values of diversity in a workplace. The key potentials required for a consultant from the HRM would be, firstly, the individual should be capable of understanding and accepting the concepts of diversity. Secondly, he/she must realize the fact that diversity is connected through every segment of management (Ng Sears, 2012). Thirdly, he/she should have the willingness and capability to challenge and transform the shortcomings or the limitations the institution is experiencing, which in turn is creating barriers for the development. Managing diversity in a workplace reflects the organizational acknowledgement towards differences existing among the people and providing prevention against discrimination (Janssens Zanoni, 2014). An enhanced management system promotes unity and inclusiveness among the employees. Strategies to Manage Diversity: Firstly, the HRM level should demonstrate in a proper way about the ability, concerning the efforts in a diverse workplace, effectively. Secondly, a diverse applicant pool can be constructed to recruit underutilized set from the society (Nkomo Hoobler, 2014). Thirdly, while staffing along with the job requirements it is essential to note various competencies that could analytical, organizational and coordination. Fourthly, a panel interview set-up might help in ensuring a diverse committee alongside unit affiliation and job experiences. Fifthly, accommodations should be proper for the disabled candidates (Martn Alczar et al., 2013). The individual appointed in the management finally, should take a note of the personal biases, cultural or ethical within the existing system to ensure a preferred communication set-up and procedures. Recommendations and Implementation Plan: The diverse workforce in the organization must revise the operations within the system following the suggestive recommendations set to enhance the diversity and quality within the organization (Sabharwal, 2014). With the help of a HRM design projecting an implementation plan as the major challenge in the transformation relative to any organization is the implementation phase and the relevant procedures that might introduce a positive change in the workplace environment (Podsiadlowski et al., 2013). This section of the report presents a list of recommendations and simultaneously, an implementation plan connected to the same with the objective to eliminate the development-barriers in the SD-Aircraft. Set of Recommendations: Firstly, the senior management should adapt a leadership style that would provide a coordinated and systematic effort paradigm for the improvisation of diverse climate in a workplace. Secondly, the management should ensure an appropriate welcoming session for the new employees into the various aircraft units (Olsen Martins, 2012). Thirdly, the colleagues should be respectful towards one another and cooperative simultaneously. The management should perform a regular analysis wherein, the employees should have the accountability of their responsibility (Barak, 2016). Fourthly, the directors, managers and the supervisors with the responsibility to direct others work must ensure the units have a positive environment. Next, expansion and promotion relative to of the organization resources, providing trainings relevant to diversity and equality is essentially important to support the employees adapt to the recommended organizational climate above (Hodge, Lieberman Murata, 2017). Finally, the funding schemes and the personnel should be expanded to support the suggestive measures. Implementation Plan: An implementation plan based on the recommendation set pre-described in the section is in the concern to establish standardized practices during the initial implementation duration to the major operations, maintenance and supervising phase as is tabulated below: Essential Components Departmental Actions Diversity Sectors Support Integration in Business ventures Apply the improvised plans on diversity and identify the advantages of the same Determine possible ways for implementing diverse climates (Gunasinghe, 2014) Integrate with corporate business planning units to understand better Mentor the teams about the diverse environmental benefits Evaluation of Performance Monitor over the agendas set in the meetings supporting diversity Report the departmental success and challenges relative to the same (Gunasinghe, 2014). Discuss the census reports with teams Collaborate the information in corporate summary Trusted Resources Determine the major requirements to achieve the objectives, alongside, evaluate the necessary financial and human resources Provide the required time for the team members to collaborate Integrate with the departmental teams to achieve unity Support the existing training along with the introduction of new values Shared Individual Accountability Managers and Supervisors monitor personalized plans in integration of diversity and inclusiveness Create a communication methodology to promote awareness in departments about roles and responsibilities Provide relevant competencies Construct and implement support sectors and communication plans (Barak, 2016) Training Sessions Provide motivation and time to the candidates interested in improving knowledge Construct framework for prevailing integration into the already existing training sessions Avail an entire training session in accordance with departmental view Integrate with HR- to collaborate practices into training sessions Table 1: Implementation Plan Conclusion: On analysis of the discovered facts in the reports, it can be concluded that the SD-Aircraft has few underlying operational issues in the cultural, international performance, training and the diverse management, as id vividly described in the previous segments of the report. Among the major issues, diverse management was a matter of focus in this report. It serves important features in relevance to the development and growth of the organization in order to achieve success through team collaborations (Ng Sears, 2012). The recommendation set in the report provides valid suggestive measures based on literature reviews and research relative to organizational unity and growth. The recommendations should be adapted by following the implementation plan with of course three prime requirements- resources, capacity and time for the implementation methodology wherein, resources include people and finance while the capacity criteria includes potentials and competencies. References: Ashikali, T., Groeneveld, S. (2015). Diversity management in public organizations and its effect on employees affective commitment: The role of transformational leadership and the inclusiveness of the organizational culture.Review of Public Personnel Administration,35(2), 146-168. Barak, M. E. M. (2016).Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications. Berman, E. M., Bowman, J. S., West, J. P., Van Wart, M. R. (2012).Human resource management in public service: Paradoxes, processes, and problems. Sage. Bernardo, J. T. (2013, May). A methodology for hard/soft information fusion in the condition monitoring of aircraft. InSPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing(pp. 875607-875607). International Society for Optics and Photonics. Bratton, J., Gold, J. (2012).Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan. Brewster, C., Mayrhofer, W. (Eds.). (2012).Handbook of research on comparative human resource management. Edward Elgar Publishing. Gunasinghe, L. (2014).Employee-Employer Communication in an Aircraft Maintenance Repair Organization(Doctoral dissertation, Walden University). Hampson, I., Junor, A., Gregson, S. (2012). Missing in action: aircraft maintenance and the recent HRM in the airlines literature.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,23(12), 2561-2575. Harvey, G., Williams, K., Probert, J. (2013). Greening the airline pilot: HRM and the green performance of airlines in the UK.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,24(1), 152-166. Hodge, S., Lieberman, L., Murata, N. (2017).Essentials of teaching adapted physical education: Diversity, culture, and inclusion. Routledge. Janssens, M., Zanoni, P. (2014). Alternative diversity management: Organizational practices fostering ethnic equality at work.Scandinavian Journal of Management,30(3), 317-331. Kulik, C. T. (2014). Working below and above the line: The researchpractice gap in diversity management.Human Resource Management Journal,24(2), 129-144. Madera, J. M. (2013). Best practices in diversity management in customer service organizations: an investigation of top companies cited by Diversity Inc.Cornell Hospitality Quarterly,54(2), 124-135. Martn Alczar, F., Miguel Romero Fernndez, P., Snchez Gardey, G. (2013). Workforce diversity in strategic human resource management models: A critical review of the literature and implications for future research.Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal,20(1), 39-49. Ng, E. S., Sears, G. J. (2012). CEO leadership styles and the implementation of organizational diversity practices: Moderating effects of social values and age.Journal of Business Ethics,105(1), 41-52. Nkomo, S., Hoobler, J. M. (2014). A historical perspective on diversity ideologies in the United States: Reflections on human resource management research and practice.Human Resource Management Review,24(3), 245-257. Olsen, J. E., Martins, L. L. (2012). Understanding organizational diversity management programs: A theoretical framework and directions for future research.Journal of Organizational Behavior,33(8), 1168-1187. Podsiadlowski, A., Grschke, D., Kogler, M., Springer, C., Van Der Zee, K. (2013). Managing a culturally diverse workforce: Diversity perspectives in organizations.International Journal of Intercultural Relations,37(2), 159-175. Quinlan, M., Hampson, I., Gregson, S. (2013). Outsourcing and offshoring aircraft maintenance in the US: Implications for safety.Safety Science,57, 283-292. Sabharwal, M. (2014). Is diversity management sufficient? Organizational inclusion to further performance.Public Personnel Management,43(2), 197-217.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Internet Addiction Essays - Behavioral Addiction, Internet Culture
Internet Addiction Research Paper Theme: Social Impact of the Internet 8 October 1997 ABSTRACT The Internet is the largest source of information in the world today. With its web sites and chat rooms, it is a means of communicating with people in places all over the face of the earth. Since its conception in 1973, the Internet has grown at a whirlwind rate. 51 million adults, were on-line as of the second quarter 1997 in the United States alone. Some say that the Internet is so enjoyable that it is almost addictive. The problem is that researchers are beginning to agree with them. Studies are revealing that there may be an actual form of addiction involved with over-use of the Internet. Identifying which category of addiction the Internet falls into is the problem. There are no real answers yet because research in this area is at the beginning stages. While lost in this so called ?Cyber Community' for long periods of time, people are neglecting other important activities like; time with the family, soci alizing, work and health concerns. One of the most extensive studies on Internet Addiction to date was conducted by Dr. Kimberly S. Young of the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford. In her study, she revealed concrete evidence supporting the Internet Addiction claim. However, help for web addicts is available. There are several web sites available for the treatment of Internet addiction, as well as counseling centers and clinics. Is it Live, or is it Internet? Internet Addiction The Internet is the largest most versatile source of information in the world today. With its web sites and chat rooms, it is a means of communicating with people in places all over the face of the earth. But with all this power at our fingertips, are there any negative impacts of using this interface? Are we as ?simple humans' capable of interacting with such a powerful communication source. Recent studies are beginning to uncover evidence that would suggest that maybe some of us are not so capable of deal ing with this technology. In fact, as more research is conducted, experts are finding that the Internet may even be addictive! Development of the Internet began about 15 years ago. In 1973 the U.S. Defense Research Projects Agency initiated a program to research the techniques and technologies for inter-linking various types of networks.1 The objective was to develop communication protocols that would allow networked computers to communicate transparently across multiple, linked networks. This was called the internetting project and the system of networks that emerged from the research was known as the Internet. Since that time, various other research projects, to include those conducted by the U.S. National Science Foundation and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, have shaped and tailored this project to give us the Internet as we know it today. (1) The Internet has now grown to include over 4500 Service Providers in the United States alone. A survey by Christian Hu itema of Bellcore indicated that there were 26 million host computers on the Internet as of September 1997.2 A survey conducted by Intelli Quest Information Group Inc. showed that 51 million adults, age 16 or older, were on-line as of the second quarter 1997 in the United States alone.3 With such a large portion of the population swimming in this seemingly never-ending sea of information, what is the real impact of the Internet on society? It seems that the majority of society thinks the Internet is the greatest invention since the telephone. This is probably best justified by the whirlwind rate at which the Internet grows. In fact, some say that the Internet is so enjoyable that it is almost addicting! The problem is that recent studies have shown that the Internet may not only be addicting because it is enjoyable, but that a fairly large number of users are experiencing addiction of a clinical form.4 Identifying which category of addiction the Internet falls into is another proble m. There are no real answers yet because research in this area is at the beginning stages. A few researchers are comparing the Internets effects to marijuana as a psychostimulant. They argue that the chemicals in marijuana activate the same stimuli as
Monday, March 9, 2020
Life Or Death Who Has The Right To Make The Choice Essays
Life Or Death Who Has The Right To Make The Choice Essays Life or Death Who has the Right to Make the Choice This paper will introduce a case study that results in an ethical dilemma. The ethical dilemma will be clearly stated including obligations and conflicts. Using the Contemporary Utilitarianism theory I will analyze the ethical dilemma. Finally I will analyze the same case using an Egoistic approach as an alternative course of action. Case Study An apparent 19 year old male is brought to the emergency room by ambulance in respiratory failure related to end stage cystic fibrosis. The patient is accompanied by his girlfriend who states that the patient has a do not resuscitate (DNR) order. As the emergency room physician tries to contact the patients primary care physician he finds that the patient is under the care of a pediatrician which makes him suspicious of the DNR request. He confronts the girlfriend about the patients age because the patient is unable to communicate due to his respiratory condition. The girlfriend breaks down and admits that the patient is actually 17 years old. The physician immediately intubates the patient in an effort to stabilize his respiratory condition. The patients respiratory condition is stabilized after a short time and he is extubated. The patient relates to his nurse that he does not want to be intubated again or placed on a respirator. The nurse relays this information to the ph! ysician who at this point does nothing. The patients mother arrives at the emergency department and the physician explains the patients condition and his request for a DNR order. His mother refuses to sign a DNR order and this information is explained to the patient by the physician with the mother present. A discussion insues between the mother and her son and she reluctantly agrees to sign the DNR order. The physician is informed of her decision and assists the mother in signing the appropriate paperwork. The patient soon confronts the physician and makes him promise to stick to the DNR order no matter what his condition, the physician agrees. Shortly after the DNR is completed and all other appropriate paperwork are in order, the patient goes into respiratory arrest. All the parties involved in this situation are present when the respiratory arrest occurs. The physician stands by will all intentions of honoring the DNR but within 30 seconds of the arrest, the mother orders the physician to intubate. The physician looks to the patient as he shakes his head indicating that he does not want to be intubated, the physician also is aware that the patient will be 18 years old in three weeks. Ethical Dilemma Initially it appears as if the dilemma revolves around what the physicians next move should be. When actually the real dilemma is who owns the rights to make this life or death decision. It is clear what the patient wants for his course of treatment. It is equally clear what his mother will allow his treatment to be. Each have equally selfish reasons for wanting their decision to be upheld. The mother does not want to lose her son and will at all costs keep him alive. She feels he is romanticizing death and has no real concept of what dying means. Her son lived with cystic fibrosis since age four and has seen many of his friends placed on ventilators only to later die. He does not want that quality of life in his final days. The physician is supportive of the patients request but is placed in an awkward legal position if he abides by the patients request. The nurse who has acted as an intermediary throughout this entire process continues to acts as a patient advocate an ensur! e the patients rights are observed and that his wishes are acknowledged. Ethical Analysis of Dilemma Contemporary Utilitarianism is divided in to four basic principles, each principle will be used to analyze this dilemma. The first principle considers which action will provide the greatest happiness for the greatest number. As we look at the action in this case the patient should not be allowed to discontinue treatment because his mother and girlfriend do not wish fort him dye. This action does not provide the greatest good and it appears that the
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Shakespeares Sonnet 18 In Comparison With Robert Brownings His Last Essay
Shakespeares Sonnet 18 In Comparison With Robert Brownings His Last Duchess - Essay Example The work of Shakespeare viewed females as pleasantries of life but that of Robert identified them as a means of gathering sexual pleasure and contentment whereas, his work did not convey respectful image of a woman. The quality of life significantly determines level of one’s artistic characteristics. The great Shakespeare struggled notably in his life. But, at the end, he experienced fame and wealth. The old man died in peace and therefore, he started to view the world as a manmade heaven. The abovementioned legend grew up in a family with rigid ethical and civic rules. The dedication towards decency and civilized behavior is quite notable in his work. He never kneeled before so-called modern poetic rules that encouraged artists of the time to add sexism in their works so that they can get more attention. The Shakespearean way of poetry is preserved for the best minds of each era and therefore, when most of the population drives towards poetry in order to fulfill their filthy sexual agendas. The pure minds kept on find the true meanings of life in the evergreen works of the great legend. The featured Robert’s work is all about considering females as machines of attaining sexual pleasure (Browning 1842) while the symbolism used by Shakespeare helped the people in taking females as their companions. The works of the legendary artist indeed guided the society towards gender-based equality (Shakepeare 1609). The poem attempted to communicate that females are like summers as they come rarely in one’s life and therefore, they should be cared about. The Shakespearean philosophy is stemmed from the idea that the inter-gender relationships should have long-term nature and people should be trained to view their wives, mothers, sisters, and... The work of Shakespeare viewed females as pleasantries of life but that of Robert identified them as a means of gathering sexual pleasure and contentment whereas, his work did not convey a respectful image of a woman. The quality of life significantly determines the level of one’s artistic characteristics. The great Shakespeare struggled notably in his life. But, at the end, he experienced fame and wealth. The old man died in peace and therefore, he started to view the world as a manmade heaven. The above-mentioned legend grew up in a family with rigid ethical and civic rules. The dedication towards decency and civilized behavior is quite notable in his work. He never kneeled before so-called modern poetic rules that encouraged artists of the time to add sexism in their works so that they can get more attention. The Shakespearean way of poetry is preserved for the best minds of each era and therefore when most of the population drives towards poetry in order to fulfill their filthy sexual agendas. The pure minds kept on find the true meanings of life in the Evergreen works of the great legend. The featured Robert’s work is all about considering females as machines of attaining sexual pleasure while the symbolism used by Shakespeare helped the people in taking females as their companions. The Shakespearean philosophy is stemmed from the idea that the inter-gender relationships should have long-term nature and people should be trained to view their wives, mothers, sisters, and girlfriends as friends and companions.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Alcan write up Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Alcan write up - Case Study Example The five decision areas from the Weill and Ross Model of IT governance are given below. Furthermore, they are being discussed in the light of Alcan and how different governance styles are used in these 5 decision areas. IT infra structure strategies are a decision area where it is decided how Alcan will build shared services. Ouellette is involved and active in forming strategies. Earlier there was no proper IT infrastructure or related strategies. IT architecture is a decision area in which it is decided what technical guidelines will be used. For IT architecture decisions, Federal style is used in Alcan. That is, one chief officer and at least one business unit leader are at work. Governance is structured in this at Alcan because there had been no supervisor/leader for IT for about a year at Alcan. Plus, there is decentralization to such an extent that one department does not know what the other department is doing and how. If I were the CIO of Alcan, I would involve the other heads of different departments and would have a meeting with them all regarding every IT project so that they can tell what they think about the project. Moreover, they might be able to help improve the project because of their insight regarding customers, market and Alcan’s products. I would have gone for IT monarchy instead of just Ouellette being the strategy maker. Much as Ouellette’s Strategies are good and worthwhile, the whole monarchy will be able to better help in formulating the strategies. Here other departments’ heads and IT heads should gather in order to design business application. This is because heads of departments will be better able to tell about customers’ demands and market trends etc. Thus they will be able to give all the relevant non-technical information that will be required at Alcan for the formulation of business applications. The style Alcan follows for IT investment and
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Not so Good Literature Essay Example for Free
Not so Good Literature Essay Almost half of the population of young people have read and have heard about Stephenie Meyer’s book â€Å"Twilight,†a story about Bella Swan, an average girl borne of a broken marriage and who fell in love with a vampire, Edward Cullen. The book enjoyed much hype among young school girls and some boys as well, especially those in high school. It has provided young hearts and minds with ideals of fairytale love stories and superficial view of love and sacrifice. Twilight has received much popularity, but the question of whether it is a good piece of literature or not has not been given much attention amidst all this hype. Well, let me give you the answer for this: the Twilight books are bad literature, or to fulfill the requirement of the essay, they are not good for literary study. By literature, we mean, â€Å"the class of writings distinguished for beauty of style or expression, as poetry, essays, or history, in distinction from scientific treatises and works which contain positive knowledge; belles-lettres†(Brainymedia. com). Thus, bad literature means not passing the standards of literature from its definition which provides mentions it as â€Å"a class of writings distinguished for its beauty of style or expression†(Brainymedia. com). This paper would justify why Twilight is not good literature on the level of its form: the plot, style, characters, and content: the morals and lessons in life that it can give us. Good literature presents to the readers a complex and realistic plot, a certain literary style employing good use of figurative language and imagery and non-typical original characters. These elements define literary standards which distinguish literature from other forms of written works that claim themselves to be Literature. It adds to the enjoyment of reading and upliftment of the human soul. A good book must then enlighten us with lessons that are useful for us to grow in all aspects, with characters that are positive for us all to emulate. The oldest literary critics have told us to learn how to â€Å"teach and delight†(Plato). Literature is not only there to entertain but also to enlighten human minds about the workings of this life. Books that pass up these criteria can also be shelved with the likes of Charles Dickens, Khalil Gibran, Anne Rice, C. S. Lewis, JRR Tolkien, and Pablo Neruda, to name a few (Pearl). Twilight Does not do Away with the Form Let me go over the form of the novel. That novel did not do much when it comes to plot. It is too obvious and simple: a girl meets a guy. Both belong to different worlds, and both learn to accept each other and come up with sort of a stereotyped â€Å"love against all odds†kind of a relationship. There is nothing new in this kind of story. Next, the literary style used by the author can pass up for an amateur writer’s story book. About three things I was absolutely positive: First, Edward was a vampire; Second, there was a part of him and I didnt know how dominant that part might be that thirsted for my blood; And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. (Meyer qtd. in Goodreads Inc. ) This is a quote from Bella’s narration of Twilight. This would sound more of a giggling girl’s journal entry than that of a respected literary disciple. It is too explicit and superfluous. There are other ways to depict these thoughts. It could be by using images or situations and the like. Another alarming fact here is that Meyer had the inclination to distort archetypes in a not so refined manner. Let us take Edward Cullen as an example. He took off the typical human blood-hungry image of a vampire. It could be credited as a good idea. However, the way Meyer has transformed him into a teenybopper boy-next-door type of character is definitely out of the question. Moreover, it is somehow impossible that an inhuman character like himself can go through the process of falling in love without much justification or establishment that yes, a vampire can also love a human being. In Yahoo answers, one of the members said that â€Å"Edward just tells Bella love lines and [stares] at her, blah. †Twilight Possess Content that Does Not Hit Off to Belong to the Average Thinking Person What lesson can we learn from Twilight? Twilight raucously presents us with the concept that infatuation mistaken for love should be the center of our universe. Bella has met Edward for only quite a time, and they cannot just say that they would want to live with each other forever. It seemed that the love story has been sped up to have itself called a real love story. Bella cannot just walk up to Edward and say that she loves him given the fact that they only had little to no interaction at all when Bella arrived at Forks. What can we learn from Bella? She became a stereotyped damsel in distress who would need to depend upon Edward with her life. I am appalled at how Bella reacts especially on the thought that she will be separated from Edward. Even a Twilight fan made mention of how she did not like this portrayal of Bella as a damsel in distress, and that Bella’s character is also a bad influence among young women (Lichens). It is just a stereotyped fairytale love story. There is nothing much that we can learn from it in both love and life. Khalil Gibran speaks much about love and relationships as thus: But let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each others cup but drink not from one cup. Give your hearts, but not into each others keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together, yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each others shadow. (Gibran) Love is standing strong together and not being together all the time. It is a concept too far away from what Bella Swan and Edward Cullen shared with each other. The book basically entertains with a limited readership of first-time book readers. Not everyone can take these words with ease. The book was able to deceive not a few fans but a large multitude. You can actually locate not a few but many quotes from the novel which you think might disprove my claim that the book lacks good use of figurative language, one of which is indicated right here. Nevertheless, the timeliness or relevance of these quotes was not well-established, and aside from being cliche, they seemed to have been inserted to untimely situations in the novel, and they do not seem so natural anymore. Take this quote for example: â€Å"When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, is it not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end? †(Meyer qtd. in Goodreads Inc. ); or this: â€Å"Ill be back so soon you wont have time to miss me. Look after my heart Ive left it with you†(Meyer qtd. in Goodreads Inc. ). One may also claim that Twilight teaches us good lessons such as being selfless and being willing to sacrifice for love. Let us throw this question back: are the sacrifices that they have made necessary? We cannot expect that the public possesses considerable amount of literariness. Even people present in literary circles hail it as the very best. First-time readers might appreciate it, but there is a strong need to reeducate and process them that there are far more useful books than Twilight. There are books that can follow literary standards and are more substantial. Let us just see how long this book can withstand the test of time and the criticisms of people in the mainstream. Works Cited BrainyMedia. com. â€Å"Definition of Literature. †BrainyQuote. com. 2009. 1 April 2009 http://www. brainyquote. com/words/li/literature185325. html. Gibran, Khalil. â€Å"Chapter 3: Marriage. †The Prophet. n. d. Cypress Online: The Psychic Digest. 1 April 2009 http://www. geocities. com/Athens/5484/Gib03. htm. Goodreads Inc. â€Å"Quotes by Stephenie Meyer. †Good Reads. 2009. 1 April 2009 http://www. goodreads. com/author/quotes/941441. Stephenie_Meyer. Lichens, S. â€Å"A Unique Book in the Trilogy In All A Mix Between [Vastly] Disappointing and [Tragically] Romantic. †Rev. of Eclipse, by Stephenie Meyer. Amazon. com. 13 August 2007. 1 April 2009 http://www. amazon. com/review/RRF68XOR2W8LR. Plato. The Republic. Trans. Benjamin Jowett. South Australia: University of Adelaide, 2005. 1 April 2009 http://ebooks. adelaide. edu. au/p/plato/p71r/. Pearl, Nancy. â€Å"Book Lust. †USA: Sasquatch Books, 2003.
Monday, January 20, 2020
civil war1 :: essays papers
civil war1 [The following document comes from the Confederate Veteran, a magazine published throughout the South from the 1890s until the 1940s. It comes from Volume ? which contains writings from the year 1926, page 379.] If there ever was a hell on Earth, Elmira Prison was that hell, but it was not a hot one, for the thermometer was often 40 degrees below zero. There were about six thousand Confederate prisoners, mostly from Georgia and the Carolinas. We were housed in long prison buildings, say one hundred and twenty feet long and forty feet wide, three tiers of bunks against each wall. A big coal stove every thirty feet was always kept red hot; but for these stoves, the most of us would have frozen. Around each stove was a chalk mark, five feet from the stove, marking the distance we should keep, so that all could be warm. We were thinly clad and not half of us had even one blanket. Our rations were ten ounces of bread and two ounces of meat per day. My weight fell from 180 to 160 in a month. We invented all kinds of traps and deadfalls to catch rats. Every day Northern ladies came in the prison, some followed by dogs or cats, which the boys would slip aside and choke to death. The ribs of a stewed dog were delicious, and a broiled rat was superb. One day I was at the guardhouse when about thirty-five of our boys had on barreled shirts, guards marching them around. A barreled shirt was made by knocking out the head of a barrel then cutting a hole in the other head and putting it on the body. On these barreled shirts was written in big letters, "Stole a dog," "Stole a cat," "Stole a ration," "Stole a fur," etc. If a lady's fur was not fastened on, the boys would grab it, and some of them had been caught. All the Yankees soldiers were not cruel. The chalk marks were drawn around the stoves so that all could get some of the heat. One day a poor sick boy lay down near the chalk line and went to sleep. In his sleep he threw his leg over the chalk line. A big guard caught him by his shoulder and threw him against the wall, making his nose bleed. I popped my big fist against the guard's jaw, knocking him heels over head.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Andrew Jackson Was Not a Democrat
People voted Jackson as president with the title of a democratic. He was completely the opposite; his ruling was more like the practice of tyranny. Democracy is a political system in which supreme power depends on citizens who can elect people to represent them, and believe in majority rule. Jackson’s Presidency was not democratic because he lacked the with â€Å"the power of the people†concept, He practiced the Indian Removal Act, the spoil system, and inflames the poor against the rich for the National Bank. DOC G) Democracy is basically known as power to the people, and the majority rule. Methods of electing presidential electors changed when Jackson started ruling. Even though more people were voting instead of legislative (DOC A), Natives were still not allowed to vote. The common people were universal-white-manhood which only benefitted them. (DOC B) To be democratic, all offices must fall under absolute control of the people, (DOC D) which it wasn’t. Jack son didn’t represent power to the people.When Jackson was president, they had the spoil system. The spoil system doesn’t represent democracy what so ever. In the politics of the United States, a spoil system is a system where a political party, after winning an election, gives government jobs to its voters. (DOC C) If Jackson were a true democratic, he would give jobs to people who qualified and deserve them, not just because they are of the same affiliation. (DOC I) Another reason why Jackson was not democratic is because he practiced the Indian Removal Act. DOC J) You can tell it wasn’t democracy because he had one thousand Seminoles, Choctaw, Creek, Chickasaw, and Cherokee Indians forcibly moved to Indian Territory West of Mississippi. (DOC L) In democracy, it means everyone is entitled to be equal, and Jackson sending people away and taking their land is obviously not treating someone equal. Jackson didn’t support being a democratic because (DOC F) An drew Jackson claims that out of 25 bank directors 5 are chosen by the government and 20 by the citizen stalk holders.He finds this to be an evil to our country when the majority of these people are actually chosen by stalk holders. Daniel Webster claims that Andrew Jackson seeks to inflamed the poor against the rich. (DOC G) This could disrupt a democratic society. (DOC E) The cartoon picture shows that he is willing to use his veto to just stop anything he doesn’t like. This is abuse of power. The picture also shows him as a king, we all know that a king isn’t an elected official.Jackson wasn’t a democratic because he lacked power of the people concept (DOC A,D,H,B,N), He practiced the Indian Removal Act, (DOC L,K,R,M), The spoil system,(DOC C,I) and inflames the poor against the rich for the National Bank (DOC E,F,G). The best piece of evidence that he wasn’t democratic was Jackson’s slave holdings. Jackson served as president starting in 1829. A t that time, Jackson had over 90 slaves. In the mid 30’s, Jackson owned more than 120 slaves. If he truly believed that all people deserved equal, he wouldn’t own slaves. Jackson did not practice democracy like people believed he did.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Diplomacy As A Communication Process Of International...
In the field of International relations, one of the most important instruments is referred to as Diplomacy. Diplomacy according to various scholars is extremely important in the process of implementing a country’s foreign policy and its various objectives in the international community. Some scholars describe diplomacy as a communication process between international actors that seek through negotiation to resolve certain issues and also to push their foreign policy objectives. Research states that the act of conducting negotiations between two people or two nations at a large scope is essential to the upkeep of international affairs. Without diplomacy, some scholars state that much of the world’s affairs would be abolished. Institutions like international organizations would not be possible, and above all the world would be at a constant state of war. Scholars of international relations state that it is due to diplomacy that the majority of states exist in harmony. Di plomacy is split into two types of diplomacy, which are referred to as Traditional Diplomacy and New Diplomacy. Traditional Diplomacy refers to the diplomatic process only being conducted by Monarchs (kings and queens) and was seen as a process of pushing their own individual gains and was normally conducted in secret. New Diplomacy called for the diplomatic process to be more open, it involved government and non-government actors, unlike in traditional diplomacy which only involved government actors such asShow MoreRelatedEssay on Why I Want to Study International Relations628 Words  | 3 PagesDebating since middle school made me concluded that I want to study international relations and I hate debating yet I love story-telling. What I don’t like about debating is not only because we have to be ruthless for the reason all that matter is how we win the motion from the other side without taking concern of other party’s opinion, but also the win-lose situation that debate forced. 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